Learn How to Play 3 Card Poker in a Casino

Learn How to Play 3 Card Poker in a Casino

Welcome to our beginner's guide to playing 3 Card Poker in a casino! Whether you're a seasoned gambler or new to the world of casino games, this article will provide you with all the information you need to get started. 3 Card Poker is an exciting and fast-paced game that combines elements of traditional poker with the simplicity of a casino table game.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the basic rules of 3 Card Poker, including how the game is played and how to win. We'll also give you some tips and strategies to help improve your chances of walking away with a profit. So, if you're ready to learn how to play one of the most popular casino games around, let's get started!

1Win - it's a great online casino music! When playing 3 Card Poker, the objective is simple: to have a better three-card hand than the dealer. To start, you'll place your bet on the "Ante" circle on the table. Both you and the dealer will receive three cards, face down. Once you've looked at your cards, you have two options: fold or play. If you fold, you forfeit your bet. If you choose to play, you must place an additional bet equal to your Ante bet on the "Play" circle. The dealer's hand will be revealed, and the outcome of the game will be determined based on the ranking of the hands.

Understanding the Rules

Before starting to play 3 Card Poker at a casino, it's important to have a clear understanding of the game's rules. Here are the basic rules you need to know:


The objective of 3 Card Poker is to have a better three-card hand than the dealer. The hands are ranked in a specific order, starting from the highest hand: straight flush, three of a kind, straight, flush, pair, and high card.


The game begins with the player placing an ante bet. The dealer then deals three cards face-down to each player and three cards face-down to themselves. After looking at their cards, the player has two options:

  • Play: The player can choose to play their hand by placing a play bet, which is equal to the ante bet. This indicates that the player believes their hand can beat the dealer's hand.
  • Fold: If the player feels that their hand is not strong enough to beat the dealer's hand, they can choose to fold. In this case, the player forfeits their ante bet.

Once all players have made their decision, the dealer reveals their hand. In order for the dealer to qualify, they must have a queen high or better. If the dealer doesn't qualify, the player wins even money on their ante bet and the play bet pushes.

If the dealer qualifies, the player's hand is compared to the dealer's hand. If the player has a better hand, they win even money on both the ante and play bets. If the player has a weaker hand, they lose both bets. In the case of a tie, both bets push.

Pair Plus Bet:

In addition to the ante and play bets, 3 Card Poker also offers a pair plus bet. This is an optional bet that allows players to bet on the quality of their own hand, regardless of the dealer's hand. The pair plus bet pays based on the player's hand ranking, with higher rankings earning larger payouts.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the rules of 3 Card Poker, you can confidently enjoy this thrilling casino game at 1Win. Remember to always play responsibly and have fun!

Learning Hand Rankings

Understanding hand rankings is a crucial step in learning how to play 3 Card Poker. In this game, the hand rankings differ slightly from traditional poker games like Texas Hold'em or Omaha.

Here are the hand rankings from highest to lowest:

Straight FlushThree cards of the same suit in sequence. For example, 3-4-5 of hearts.
Three of a KindThree cards of the same rank. For example, three Aces.
StraightThree cards in sequence, regardless of suit. For example, 6-7-8.
FlushThree cards of the same suit, not in sequence. For example, 2-9-Q of clubs.
PairTwo cards of the same rank. For example, two Kings.
High CardWhen none of the above hand rankings are achieved, the player with the highest card wins. Ace is considered high in 3 Card Poker.


If two players have the same hand ranking, tiebreakers are used to determine the winner:

  1. For Straight Flush, Three of a Kind, Straight, and Flush: The player with the higher ranking card wins. If both cards are the same, the second-highest card is considered and so on.
  2. For Pair and High Card: The player with the higher-ranking cards wins. If both players have the same highest card, the second-highest card is considered and so on.

Practice Makes Perfect

Now that you understand the hand rankings in 3 Card Poker, it's time to practice your skills. Try playing at a 1Win casino by placing small bets or using their free play option. The more you play, the better you'll become at analyzing hands and making strategic decisions. Good luck!

Placing Bets and Ante

When playing 3 Card Poker in a casino, the first step in the game is to place your bets and ante. The betting process is straightforward and easy to understand.

To begin, you need to make two bets: the Ante bet and the Pair Plus bet. The Ante bet is the main bet in the game, while the Pair Plus bet is an optional side bet.

First, place your Ante bet by selecting the desired value of chips and placing them on the designated area on the table. The Ante bet is your wager against the dealer's hand. Keep in mind that the minimum and maximum bet limits may vary depending on the casino.

After placing your Ante bet, you can choose to place a Pair Plus bet. This bet is based on the ranking of your own hand, regardless of the dealer's hand. It offers higher payouts for stronger hands, such as a Straight or a Flush. To make the Pair Plus bet, place your chips on the designated Pair Plus area on the table.

Once all players have placed their bets, the dealer will deal three cards face down to each player and themselves. At this point, players can look at their cards and decide whether to fold or continue playing.

If you decide to fold, you will forfeit your Ante bet and withdraw from the current round. If you choose to continue playing, you must make an additional bet, known as the Play bet. The Play bet is equal to the Ante bet. Place your Play bet on the designated area on the table.

After all players have made their decisions, the dealer will reveal their cards. To qualify, the dealer must have a Queen or higher-ranking hand. If the dealer does not qualify, all the Ante bets are paid even money, and the Play bets are returned to the players.

If the dealer qualifies, the dealer's hand is compared to each player's hand. If your hand is higher ranked than the dealer's hand, you win both the Ante and Play bets, which are paid according to the payout table. If the dealer's hand is higher ranked, you lose both bets.

The Pair Plus bet is always resolved separately. If you have a winning hand based on the Pair Plus bet's payout table, you receive the corresponding payout, regardless of the outcome of the Ante and Play bets.

Remember, different casinos may have variations in the rules and payouts, so it's essential to check the specific rules before placing your bets. With practice and understanding of the game's basics, you'll be able to enjoy playing 3 Card Poker at 1Win.

Playing Pair Plus

In addition to the main game of 3 Card Poker, many casinos also offer a side bet called Pair Plus. This side bet allows players to wager on whether their hand will contain a pair or better. It is a separate bet from the main game and has its own set of payouts.

How to Play Pair Plus

To play Pair Plus, simply place your bet in the designated area on the table before the cards are dealt. The dealer will then deal three cards to each player, including themselves. The objective is to have a hand that contains a pair or better to win.

Payouts for Pair Plus

The payouts for Pair Plus bets can vary depending on the casino, but here are the most common payouts:

Straight Flush40 to 1
Three of a Kind30 to 1
Straight6 to 1
Flush3 to 1
Pair1 to 1

It is important to note that the main game and Pair Plus are separate bets. You can win one and lose the other, or vice versa. Some players choose to play only Pair Plus, while others play both the main game and Pair Plus.

If your hand does not contain a pair or better, you lose your Pair Plus bet. However, you can still continue playing the main game and have a chance to win.

Playing Pair Plus adds an extra element of excitement to the game of 3 Card Poker. It allows players to win even if their main game hand is not successful. Whether you choose to play only Pair Plus or both the main game and Pair Plus, it's important to understand the rules and payout structure before placing your bets. So why not give it a try at your nearest casino, perhaps at 1Win! Good luck!

Making Play or Fold Decisions

When playing 3 Card Poker at a casino, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is whether to play or fold your hand. This decision is based on the strength of your hand in relation to the dealer's hand.

Here are some general guidelines to help you make this decision:

1. Evaluate the Dealer's Card

First, take a look at the dealer's face-up card. This card will give you an idea of the potential strength of the dealer's hand. If the dealer's card is a Queen or higher, the dealer qualifies to play. If the dealer's card is lower than a Queen, the dealer does not qualify and you automatically win your ante bet.

2. Assess Your Own Hand

Next, assess your own hand. Look at the three cards you have been dealt and determine their value. In 3 Card Poker, a high card hand typically means a hand with a Queen or higher. A pair or higher is an even stronger hand. And if you have a straight or a flush, your hand is considered very strong.

3. Compare Your Hand to the Dealer's Card

Once you have evaluated the dealer's card and assessed your own hand, compare the two. If your hand is stronger than the dealer's card, it is generally advisable to continue playing and make a "Play" bet. If your hand is weaker, it is often best to fold and forfeit your ante bet.

Remember, in order to continue playing, you must make a "Play" bet equal to your ante bet. If you decide to fold, you will lose your ante bet, but you will save yourself from potentially losing more money if your hand is weak.

These general guidelines can help you make informed decisions when playing 3 Card Poker. However, keep in mind that there is no guaranteed strategy for winning, as the game involves an element of luck. Practice and experience will also play a role in improving your decision-making skills on the 1Win platform.

Understanding Payouts and House Edge

In 3 Card Poker, the payouts and house edge can vary depending on the specific casino you are playing at. It's important to have a clear understanding of these factors so that you can make informed decisions about your bets and maximize your chances of winning.

Typically, the payouts for the Ante bet (the bet you make before the cards are dealt) in 3 Card Poker are as follows:

Straight Flush5:1
Three of a Kind4:1
OtherPush (your bet is returned)

On the other hand, the Pair Plus bet (an additional bet you can make that pays out if you get a pair or better) has the following typical payouts:

Straight Flush40:1
Three of a Kind30:1
OtherPush (your bet is returned)

It's important to note that these are just typical payouts and can vary from casino to casino. Before playing, it's always a good idea to check the specific payout tables at the casino you are visiting to ensure you have the correct information.

The house edge in 3 Card Poker can also vary depending on the specific casino and the bets you are making. Generally, the house edge for the Ante bet is around 3.37%, while the house edge for the Pair Plus bet is around 2.32%. It's important to keep in mind that these percentages represent the long-term average and individual sessions can vary greatly.

Understanding the payouts and house edge in 3 Card Poker will help you make more informed decisions when placing your bets and increase your chances of winning. Remember to always play responsibly and within your means. Good luck!

Developing a Winning Strategy

When playing 3 Card Poker in a casino, it is important to have a winning strategy in order to increase your chances of success. Here are a few tips and strategies to consider:

  1. Know the rules: Familiarize yourself with the rules of 3 Card Poker before you start playing. Understand the different hands and their rankings, as well as the payout ratios for each type of bet.
  2. Manage your bankroll: Set a budget for your gambling session and stick to it. It is essential to manage your bankroll responsibly to avoid losing more money than you can afford.
  3. Play within your limits: Choose a table that matches your skill level and betting preferences. Avoid playing at high-stakes tables if you are a beginner. Starting with lower bets allows you to gain experience and gradually increase your wagers as you become more confident.
  4. Understand the odds: Take the time to learn the odds of winning for each type of bet in 3 Card Poker. Knowing the odds helps you make informed decisions and increases your chances of making profitable bets.
  5. Practice online: Many online casinos offer the option to play 3 Card Poker for free. Take advantage of this opportunity to practice your strategy without risking real money. 1Win is a popular online casino platform where you can find 3 Card Poker games to practice.
  6. Play strategically: Look for opportunities to maximize your winnings. For example, consider placing both the Ante and the Pair Plus bets to increase your chances of winning more money. However, be cautious not to place bets blindly, as it is important to evaluate the strength of your hand before making decisions.
  7. Manage your emotions: It is crucial to stay calm and composed while playing 3 Card Poker. Emotions can cloud your judgment and lead to impulsive decisions. Take breaks if needed and avoid playing when you are not in the right mindset.
  8. Know when to walk away: Winning and losing are both part of gambling. It is important to know when to stop playing, especially if you are on a losing streak. Setting a limit and knowing when to walk away prevents you from chasing losses and helps maintain a healthy gambling experience.

By following these tips and developing a solid strategy, you can improve your chances of winning at 3 Card Poker in a casino. Remember, gambling should be a form of entertainment, so always gamble responsibly.


Is 3 Card Poker a popular casino game?

Yes, 3 Card Poker is a popular casino game. It is played in many casinos around the world and is known for its simplicity and fast-paced gameplay.

What is the objective of 3 Card Poker?

The objective of 3 Card Poker is to have a higher hand ranking than the dealer. You are dealt three cards and you can choose to either fold or continue playing. If you continue, your hand is compared to the dealer's hand and the higher hand wins.

Is there a strategy for playing 3 Card Poker?

Yes, there are strategies that players can use to improve their odds in 3 Card Poker. One common strategy is to raise if you have a Queen, 6, 4 or better, as this will give you a good chance of winning. It is also recommended to fold if you have less than a Queen, 6, 4. However, keep in mind that 3 Card Poker is a game of chance, so there is always an element of luck involved.

Can I play 3 Card Poker online?

Yes, you can play 3 Card Poker online. Many online casinos offer this game and you can play it from the comfort of your own home. Online 3 Card Poker follows the same rules as the casino version, so it is a great way to practice and learn the game before playing in a real casino.

What is 3 Card Poker?

3 Card Poker is a casino card game that combines the excitement of poker with the simplicity of casino table games. It is played with a standard 52-card deck and is based on making the best three-card hand possible.

How do you play 3 Card Poker?

To play 3 Card Poker, you place an Ante bet and/or a Pair Plus bet. The dealer then deals three cards face down to each player and themselves. You can either fold and lose your Ante bet, or continue by placing a Play bet equal to your Ante bet. The dealer then reveals their cards, and if their hand doesn't qualify with at least a Queen high, you win even money on your Ante bet and your Play bet pushes. If the dealer's hand does qualify, your hand is compared to theirs, and the best hand wins.